Safeguard Your Assets Without Sacrificing Your Care

Safeguard Your Assets Without Sacrificing Your Care

See if a Medicaid trust is the right option for you in Clark County, Garland Springs County, and Hot Spring County, AR.

Medicaid costs can be a constant drain on your estate, leaving you with little to pass on to your family. A Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) can help you get the care you need while protecting your assets. Roper Law Firm, PA serves clients in Bismarck and Hot Springs, AR who are interested in Medicaid trusts. With a trust in place, you can protect your assets.

Speak with attorney Roper today about your options.

See how a Medicaid trust can benefit your family

Are you considering a Medicaid trust? By using one of these trusts, you can:

  • Maintain ownership of your home without it being counted as an asset for Medicaid
  • Stop your home from being a potential source of payment during Medicaid estate recovery
  • Make sure you can pass on your home to your family members

With your assets safely stored in a trust, you'll have something to give your family. Contact an attorney today if you're interested in a trust.